According to the strength and length of the detected electromyographic signal, the intensity and duration of the electrical stimulation output are controlled in real time.
It can fully reflect the patient's subjective movement wishes and requirements in real time.
Help the patient to move when the patient wants to move, and stop the electrical stimulation immediately when the patient does not want to move.
When the patient wants to increase the intensity, the intensity of the electrical stimulation is also increased. Power-assisted electrical stimulation can provide electrical stimulation at will according to the patient's consciousness.
Benefits of electrical stimulation
•Clinically proven that active rehabilitation training is significantly more effective than passive training.
•Discover the patient's residual muscle strength through testing, and assist the remaining muscle strength to complete active movements with the help of electrical stimulation.
•Has neurological function reconstruction effect.
•Power-assisted electrical stimulation not only allows patients to gain active motor re-learning ability, but also plays an important stimulating role in their mental health.